Wild Sheep - YETI presents "Wild Sheep" Table Top Book
Yeti Presents “Wild Sheep” a brand new oversized, full-color tabletop book about wild North American sheep and the people who pursue them. 150 plus pages of stories and incredible photography by Tony Bynum, Adam Foss, and many more.
One of Tony Bynum’s many images published by YETI in the book, “Wild Sheep”
On Friday, November 13, 2020, YETI released “Wild Sheep,” an inspiring dive into the life and times of the North American wild sheep and the people who peruse them. 150+ pages of stories, drawings, and photographs, this table-top book is certain to find a top tier spot among the annals of sheep hunting literary history. #yetipresentswildsheep
From YETI -
“Sheep hunting is the most pinnacle big mountain hunting pursuit. It is the aspiration of any mountain hunter to get an opportunity to one day hunt wild sheep. This activity is aspirational for a few reasons. First, wild sheep are extremely rare. Many species of wild sheep were near extinction in the early 1900s. However, through the efforts of conservation and primarily hunters, wild sheep populations have dramatically rebounded. Another reason this pursuit is held in such high regard is that wild sheep live in some of the most remote and beautiful places in the world. So the experience of hunting a wild sheep is not only incredibly beautiful, but also incredibly challenging. Sheep hunters backpack hunt for 7-10 days in extreme remote wilderness with limited access to the outside world. If you go on a sheep hunt, you will be put through some of the most adventurous mountain experiences humans can be involved with. This book is meant to encompass everything sheep hunting is about – an incredible species, incredible places, and extremely unique people conserve both of those rare elements. Books are for sale on YETI.com as well as an extra 250 Limited Edition books that are currently available through the Wild Sheep Foundation, with all proceeds benefitting their efforts. All purchases made at wildsheepfoundation.org enter you for a chance to win a sheep hunt guided by Midnight Sun Outfitting and photographed by Adam Foss. The winner of the Hunt Giveaway will be announced during the virtual 2021 Sheep Show which will take place from January 11th-16th, 2021.”
The YEIT “Wild Sheep” book will forever find a special place in my library of published works. YETI chose to use about a dozen of my images. From Dall sheep to desert sheep hunting and beautiful landscapes, the photography in this book is up there with the best. Probably as important to me as having my images in the book is being a part of the early discussion about how the book should look and what it should contain. The credit for the heavy lifting goes to Adam Foss for staying focused on its production even while he would have rather been out hunting or photographing sheep hunts.
YETI’s contribution, along with the commitment of the Wild Sheep Foundation together made this one-of-a-kind book, sure to be a collector’s item, possible. Thank you to YETI and the Wild Sheep Foundation for bringing these stories to life. Putting and keeping sheep on the mountain. Proceeds from the book will go to benefit wild sheep.
Large Tripod FEISOL CT-3372 M2 combined with the old CT-3371 - old meets new for a working photographers hybrid long lens tripod
Combining the Feisol CT-2271 with the CT-2272 M2 to create a hybrid Feisol tripod, old meets new for 2020
The new CT-3372 M2 combined with the old CT-3371 legs, and old leveling cup with base plate. The cup and tripod are new, and carbon legs and leveling base are off the old CT-3371. ©tonybynum
The hybrid Feisol CT-3372 M2. The rescued legs and leveling base from the original CT- 3371 combined with the new Feisol CT-3372. Why, how, and how much?
Why Feisol
I purchased the original carbon CT-3371 Feisol Tripod legs back around 2006 or so. At the time, Feisol wasn’t well known, in fact, they didn’t even have a US dealer yet so I ordered it direct from Taiwan. I was looking for a carbon tripod that would hold large, heavy 5oo, and 600 mm f4 lenses attached to full-size professional DSLR bodies.
I decided on the Feisol CT-3371 for its lower price point. Keep in mind that back in 2006 carbon fiber tripods were NOT inexpensive! My plan was to use it in the wet, salty mash for duck photography and rather than take the chance of wrecking a $2000 tripod I was going to dedicate this tripod to the marsh. I reserved my more expensive tripod for land and clean water, and went ahead and took my chances with a tripod selling for a third the price but still, carbon and built stout enough to hold safely 25 lbs. I equipped the Feisol with a leveling base and spiked feet (both at additional cost). I don’t recall the price but it was less than half what the big brands were charging at the time.
Breakage and Repair
Over the course of a few years, I managed to break the leg collars. The cast aluminum is not strong enough and too much pressure will break the casting. In 2009 I sent the unit back to Feisol for repair. I had broken two of the top leg locks and needed them repaired. Breaking the top leg locks is not uncommon especially when you’re putting the legs deep into snow, mud, or sand. I’ve broken the same parts on the more expensive and supposedly better built Gitzo units too and it’s not cheap to fix, plus you’re out for a bit while it’s being repaired.
The results of too much pressure on the top of the tripod while pushing the legs into the mud or snow. The cast aluminum is not strong enough to take the pressure. All three leg locks eventually broke. ©tonybynum
As you can clearly see, all three of the top leg sleeves broke out. This view is the top of the tripod where the legs are attached to the center collar. In this image, the center piece (leveling base in this case) has been removed and the tripod is sitting legs spread out flat. Notice, one pin and the springs are still in the top sleeve (top center of image), the pin and springs will eventually fall out. Needless to say, the tripod is hard to operate when there are not leg locks! ©tonybynum.com
Feisol fixed the tripod for a price, then sent it back. I took it back out and by 2018 I had broken all three top leg collar locks again. At this point, the tripod was almost useless to me. So, after the spring waterfowl season, I emailed Feisol and asked about getting the tripod fixed. Feisol said $85 to fix it with OEM parts and send it back. With shipping on my end, it was about $100 bucks, seemed reasonable to me so I boxed it up and mailed it.
After a few more emails back and forth with Feisol (their customer service was fantastic), I asked if they had a stronger center support piece. Much to my surprise, they said yes and for about $60 more I could have them put a machined billet aluminum top collar on the old legs and update the leveling base plate. I said go for it.
The result us the older CT-3371 legs with the new CT-3372 M2 solid machined aluminum top collar and leveling plate bowl insert. The following images illustrate the pieces and the combination of parts to make the hybrid unit, plus a shot of the tripod with the King Cobra gimble head.
Unboxing the Hybrid CT-3371 CT-3372 M2. Nicely wrapped.
The new tripod with the CT-3372 M2 collars and the old CT-3371 legs.
The new leveling bowl that will replace the flat plate and quarter twenty threaded bolt. There are three small hex key bolts to remove then the plate. The leveling bowl replaces the plate and once the bolts are replaced, it fits securely into place.
The new top collar with bubble level, and plate. I’m removing the allen head bolt so that I can replace the flat plate with the leveling bowl.
The new leveling base bowl.
The new ball head plate removed, the new leveling base bowl, and the old bowl off the old collar.
The old leveling base. It will fit into the new leveling bowl.
The new old leveling base inside the new bowl.
Notice the angle of the leveling base. It’s not a lot of movement, but it’s enough to quickly level your gimbal head quickly and accurately.
The older head and the new sold aluminum base both have leveling bubbles.
The Kirk King Cobra gimbal head attached to the new hybrid Feisol CT-3372 M2 read for the marsh!
Old meets new. The Hybrid CT-3371 and CT-3372 M2 with leveling base and Kirk King Cobra gimbal (King Cobra is discontinued).
Summery & Conclusion
I’m happy with the results. For just over $150 bucks I was able to have a solid tripod. I was worried that if I went with the old cast aluminum I’d be back in another few years having it replaced again. This fix should now allow me to use this tripod for many years without breaking it. I still have to be careful to not put too much pressure on the legs when they’re in the mud or snow, but now I’m positive this new unit will last a long time.
As a professional photographer, customer service is important. Feisol helped me combine my old broken tripod with the newer components making for a better tripod in the end. It would be hard to find better customer service. They were quick to respond and willing to help find solutions and recommend alternatives. I gladly recommend Feisol to anyone looking for a reasonably priced, solidly built carbon tripod with great customer support.
Leave a comment or ask me a question. I’ll be happy to answer.
Restless Native Podcast - Brad Luttrell talks with Tony Bynum about Photography, the Business of Photography, and POMA
Podcast interview with Montana Based, Outdoor Photographer Tony Bynum, how Tony approaches his professional photography career - Conservation Photography, Business of Photography, Outdoors, Wildlife, the Professional Outdoor Media Association.
In this podcast, Tony Bynum, Outdoor Photographer, and President of the Professional Outdoor Media Association reveals, for the first time, one of the biggest mistakes of his photographic career and what he learned from it when he talks with Brad Luttrell of GoWild.
Brad has a great podcast. He does his homework and gets to know a guest before the discussion making for some very good content.
Brad and Tony met some months ago over the phone. They planned to do a podcast and it finally happened at this years 2018 POMA conference in Lincoln, Nebraska. Brad was also a guest panelist at the POMA conference. The panel titled, "Content that Matters: Creating Purpose-focused Partnerships and Content," was a massive hit and set the stage for the theme of this year's conference. POMA is grateful for his participation.
Brand publishes his podcast under the title "Restless Native." He's also the Co-Founder of the GoWild app (available for both android and apple products) the best online social platform for sharing story's about hunting, fishing, and the outdoors.
Tony and Brad talk about the 2018 POMA conference, and Tony's approach to the business of photography, including stories about travel, commercial photography, and conservation.
Find Brand on Instagram @bradluttrell and the GoWild app @gowildapp
And Tony on Instagram @huntphotos
You dont want to miss this one.
Click on the link below to access the Podcast.
Tony Bynum in the photographed in the Canadian Rocky Mountains by © Rod Sinclair - Sinclair Imagery
Podcast Hal Herring and Tony Bynum discuss photography and conservation
Podcast and blast tony bynum and hal herring talk about photography, conservation tony shares his secrets to great images and describes how he captured the "caveman" shot
Hal Herring talks to Tony Bynum about photography, the life of a photographer, places, people, favorite photos, public lands conservation, conservation photography, wildlife photography, and hunting.
Montana Outdoor Photographers Interviewed
Interviews - Photographing wildlife in Glacier, birds in Montana, and Yellowstone Tours
Three Montana Photographers share some of their knowledge about capturing Montana's wildlife and what it takes to be a successful wildlife photographer.
A cow moose wonders off across a placid lake in Glacier National Parks, Many Glacier Valley, Montana. This image and others can be purchased, visit this link © Tony Bynum
This article first appeared in the fall 2017 issue of the popular magazine, "Big Sky Journal," read the personal accounts of Don Jones who shares his thoughts on photographing birds, Cindy Goeddel on leading photographic tours in Yellowstone, and me, Tony Bynum on photographing wildlife in Glacier National Park.
World Photography Organisation - Tony Bynum Interview
The World Photography Organisation works across up to 180 countries, its aim is to raise the level of conversation around photography by celebrating the best imagery and photographers on the planet.
Fall in Glacier National Park - Stacy Dolderer stands on the edge of a lake in beautiful Glacier National Park. © Tony Bynum
“From a business standpoint, the most important aspect of assignments, or paid shoots, particularly in far-flung, remote places where there are few if any resources, is to be a problem solver. I always plan for things to go wrong. I have multiple backup plans and options. I try to think through everything that could go wrong and be prepared to act when and if they do. Up-front planning and experience are probably more important than photographic skills. That said, today you have to be expert at both”
I encourage you to read more about the World Photography Organization and visit the website, it is full of fantastic interviews, contests and valuble information.
Tony Bynum talks with Randy Newberg - Podcast - photography, public lands, conservation
Podcast with Tony Bynum and Randy Newberg - photogrphy, hunting, conservation, and telling your story about your public lands experiences.
Photography, the business of photography, conservation, hunting and public lands and telling your story
I'm excited to share with you this podcast with me, Tony Bynum and Randy Newberg. In this podcast, I share my story about my photography business. We discuss conservation and public lands issues facing us today.
One important element of my photography business is story telling. I discuss the finer points of telling your story and why it's important to the future of our public lands in American.
Randy, provides his views, his own personal story about his life and what's important for all outdoorsmen and women who use or care about our public lands. Randy Newberg Unfiltered - Hunt Talk Radio.
Improve your photography - the most important advice I can give you
This single thing will improve your photography the first time out . . .
In this short interview, I tell you the single most important thing you can do to improve your photography. It's so simple and you never hear anyone talk about it. I guarantee if you follow my directions, you'll improve your photography the first time out.
Thank you Ryan Gresham for the interview, Honey Brake and the Professional Outdoor Media Association for the opportunity.
This short interview was filmed during a recent media event we're calling #pomavissionsaffield. The event at Honey Brake was sponsored by the Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA), Nissan, Honey Brake, Banded, Gunner Kennels, SPG, Browning, Federal Ammunition, Hobie, Voormi, Sure-Shot Game Calls, Vista, Avery, Ducks Unlimited, Confluence Group.