Photography, the business of photography, conservation, hunting and public lands and telling your story
I'm excited to share with you this podcast with me, Tony Bynum and Randy Newberg. In this podcast, I share my story about my photography business. We discuss conservation and public lands issues facing us today.
One important element of my photography business is story telling. I discuss the finer points of telling your story and why it's important to the future of our public lands in American.
Randy, provides his views, his own personal story about his life and what's important for all outdoorsmen and women who use or care about our public lands. Randy Newberg Unfiltered - Hunt Talk Radio.
In this episode of Randy Newberg's Hunt Talk Radio (EP 038), brought to you by Leupold, Randy and renowned wildlife photographer, Tony Bynum, talk about many issues including public land threats, the importance of every hunter telling "their story," Randy's "public land story," how hunting's image is being crafted by