Wild Sheep - YETI presents "Wild Sheep" Table Top Book
Yeti Presents “Wild Sheep” a brand new oversized, full-color tabletop book about wild North American sheep and the people who pursue them. 150 plus pages of stories and incredible photography by Tony Bynum, Adam Foss, and many more.
One of Tony Bynum’s many images published by YETI in the book, “Wild Sheep”
On Friday, November 13, 2020, YETI released “Wild Sheep,” an inspiring dive into the life and times of the North American wild sheep and the people who peruse them. 150+ pages of stories, drawings, and photographs, this table-top book is certain to find a top tier spot among the annals of sheep hunting literary history. #yetipresentswildsheep
From YETI -
“Sheep hunting is the most pinnacle big mountain hunting pursuit. It is the aspiration of any mountain hunter to get an opportunity to one day hunt wild sheep. This activity is aspirational for a few reasons. First, wild sheep are extremely rare. Many species of wild sheep were near extinction in the early 1900s. However, through the efforts of conservation and primarily hunters, wild sheep populations have dramatically rebounded. Another reason this pursuit is held in such high regard is that wild sheep live in some of the most remote and beautiful places in the world. So the experience of hunting a wild sheep is not only incredibly beautiful, but also incredibly challenging. Sheep hunters backpack hunt for 7-10 days in extreme remote wilderness with limited access to the outside world. If you go on a sheep hunt, you will be put through some of the most adventurous mountain experiences humans can be involved with. This book is meant to encompass everything sheep hunting is about – an incredible species, incredible places, and extremely unique people conserve both of those rare elements. Books are for sale on YETI.com as well as an extra 250 Limited Edition books that are currently available through the Wild Sheep Foundation, with all proceeds benefitting their efforts. All purchases made at wildsheepfoundation.org enter you for a chance to win a sheep hunt guided by Midnight Sun Outfitting and photographed by Adam Foss. The winner of the Hunt Giveaway will be announced during the virtual 2021 Sheep Show which will take place from January 11th-16th, 2021.”
The YEIT “Wild Sheep” book will forever find a special place in my library of published works. YETI chose to use about a dozen of my images. From Dall sheep to desert sheep hunting and beautiful landscapes, the photography in this book is up there with the best. Probably as important to me as having my images in the book is being a part of the early discussion about how the book should look and what it should contain. The credit for the heavy lifting goes to Adam Foss for staying focused on its production even while he would have rather been out hunting or photographing sheep hunts.
YETI’s contribution, along with the commitment of the Wild Sheep Foundation together made this one-of-a-kind book, sure to be a collector’s item, possible. Thank you to YETI and the Wild Sheep Foundation for bringing these stories to life. Putting and keeping sheep on the mountain. Proceeds from the book will go to benefit wild sheep.