The Ansel Adams Act- "to restore the first amendment rights of photographers"

The Ansel Adams Act of 2015.  H. R. 5893. To restore the First Amendment Rights of Photographers. Public lands man photographing glacier national park winter scene (tonybynum)

Man photographing Glacier National Park winter scene. The Ansel Adams Act would return restore first amendment rights to photographers on public lands.  ©

Exert from the bill: 
"Prohibition on Fees, Permits, or Insurance.--No Federal 
Government agency shall require fees, permits or insurance as a 
condition to take still or moving images on Federal lands, National 
Parks and Forests, and public spaces, whether for private, media, or 
commercial use.
    (d) Prohibition on the Seizure and Forfeiture of Photographic 
Equipment.--Federal law enforcement officers or private contractors 
shall not seize any photographic equipment or their contents or memory 
cards or film, and shall not order a photographer to erase the contents 
of a camera or memory card or film"

As a photographer this interests me a great deal. Years ago I tried to make the argument that the Professional Outdoor Media Association ( the only national traditional outdoor media organization, and I honorably and proudly serve as an executive member of the Board of Directors), should push the first amendment rights of photographers when our "rights" are infringed. Much like the National Rifle Association pushes the constitution rights of Americans to own guns. I was denied support in exchange for my support of a bill that would require photographers and videographers to pay a yearly fee for access to our public lands for filming and photography.  That bill never became law, although Murkoski of Alaska introduced the bill and Montana's senator John Tester worked hard crafting it.

Today, there's a new bill that shall be referred to as the, "Ansel Adams Act." Its purpose is to return first amendment, constitutionally based rights back to photographers. While the bill does not address video and it will have to define the word "photography" so there's no confusion, it's a step in the right direction. Technology is changing everything and unless our laws keep up with the changing world, we will continue to lose rights, and congress will continue to build it's power over us in exchange for big money from special interests.

I would like the bill to go a step further and add some language about video and the number of people that can be grouped together. In the past, regulations have applied to two or more people leaving being outdoors collecting digital media to the pursuits of a single person acting alone.

If you would like to read the short bill, you'll find the bill, the "Ansel Adams Act," at this address.

I recommend you contact your house and senate members and refer them to the Ansel Adams Act by showing that you support this bill. Share the bill broadly via social media, and if you have the time and capacity, write about it on your own blog.

How do you feel about this bill?  Does it make sense, would you support it?



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2014 - What Makes a Great Outdoor Photography Year?

2014 is history. It's been a great outdoor photography year - I'm blessed. What makes a great outdoor photography year? To start, both myself and my family all are happy and healthy. Beyond that, the rest was about the experience of the adventure and living life to it's fullest. In brief, here are a few exerts from the past year's adventures, followed by a few photographs and at the end of the blog, a list of 10 things I learned this year.

200,000 individual moments of time were turned into digital data from adventures across the globe; I witnessed extraordinary wildlife action in extraordinary places.

Wore out a couple of Nikon cameras; broke more than $5000 worth of gear - some completely and beyond repair;

I used the third string lens to complete a commercial shoot; trashed a half dozen pair of pants and blew the crotch completely out of one;

left some of my own clothes with people on other continents who would appreciate them more than I would;

sent a 50 inch canvas print of a man and his wife to him weeks after she suddenly passed away - I'm grateful I was there to capture the moments before her passing;

I tossed in the trash three pairs of boots because they were done being useful; logged more than 50,000 air miles and I have no idea how many on my pickup;

pulled thorns out of my legs and ass on two continents;

swam naked across an Alaskan glacial river in the dark with just a headlamp while the gear and guns were left behind;

slept overnight, outside, in a wet down sleeping bag - twice; stood in front of a young man holding an AR-15 . . . for 20 minutes - we did not speak the same language - that was interesting;

I get to live in a place where for at least half the year I can keep ice-cream outside without it melting;  watched our kids play violin, and sing during and after school programs; shoveled snow; stacked fire wood;

witnessed the sun come up more than 250 times;  and, I'm busy, I can't remember a moment when I did not have something enjoyable and fun to do.

I love my life! Here are more outdoor photographs from 2014:

Sunrise in Sonora Mexico

Sunrise in Sonora Mexico

Hunters on a cliff warming by a fire while looking for game overlooking a large open mountain valley in the Rocky Mountains, United States.

Hunters on a cliff warming by a fire while looking for game overlooking a large open mountain valley in the Rocky Mountains, United States.

Young Bushmen boys walking in warm light, Namibia, Africa

Young Bushmen boys walking in warm light, Namibia, Africa

A young cowboy ropes his first calf in Montana

A young cowboy ropes his first calf in Montana

Cowboys wrestling a large white calf on the ground in Montana

Cowboys wrestling a large white calf on the ground in Montana

Hunting guide in Alaska, USA

Hunting guide in Alaska, USA

Beaver airplane lands on a beach in remote Alaska, USA

Beaver airplane lands on a beach in remote Alaska, USA

Hunting in Alaska, looking out into the open wilderness

Hunting in Alaska, looking out into the open wilderness

Truck crossing the Namib Desert, Namibia, Africa

Truck crossing the Namib Desert, Namibia, Africa

Hunters in Sonora Mexico, walking across an aroyo, near the Sea of Cortez.

Hunters in Sonora Mexico, walking across an aroyo, near the Sea of Cortez.

Cowboy on horse back, roping a running calf on the grasslands of Montana, USA

Cowboy on horse back, roping a running calf on the grasslands of Montana, USA

Hunter in Africa, with guides watching though binoculars

Hunter in Africa, with guides watching though binoculars

Hunting desert sheep in Sonora Mexico

Hunting desert sheep in Sonora Mexico

Hunters on a ridge backlit by sun, backpacks hiking

Hunters on a ridge backlit by sun, backpacks hiking

Hunter and PH stalking game in Africa
Hunter and PH stalking game in Africa
Safari vehicle winching up rock face in Africa

Safari vehicle winching up rock face in Africa

Hunting lodge, Sonora, Mexico

Hunting lodge, Sonora, Mexico

Snow blowing along Highway 2, Blackfeet Indian Reservation

Snow blowing along Highway 2, Blackfeet Indian Reservation

Hunters looking for animals - Sonora Mexico

Hunters looking for animals - Sonora Mexico

Woman shooting rifle on shooting sticks

Woman shooting rifle on shooting sticks

Moose in pond, side lit by sun
Moose in pond, side lit by sun
Bull elk back lit, steam bugling

Bull elk back lit, steam bugling

Bull moose feeding on willow trees

Bull moose feeding on willow trees

Moose cow and bull near mountains

Moose cow and bull near mountains

Herd of elk grazing in a meadow mountain background with rainbow

Herd of elk grazing in a meadow mountain background with rainbow

Bull moose in lake

Bull moose in lake

Large bull elk chasing cow elk during the rut

Large bull elk chasing cow elk during the rut

Bighorn ram in meadow with mountain backdrop

Bighorn ram in meadow with mountain backdrop

Bull elk drinking from river
Bull elk drinking from river
Bull elk with huge rack, antlers in grass meadow with fir forest background

Bull elk with huge rack, antlers in grass meadow with fir forest background

Bull elk in aspen trees bugling

Bull elk in aspen trees bugling

Herd of elk with bull near river

Herd of elk with bull near river

Bull bison in meadow against a mountain background

Bull bison in meadow against a mountain background

Bull buffalo
Bull buffalo
Mature whitetail buck in forest
Mature whitetail buck in forest
Black bear sow and cub in fall grass and trees

Black bear sow and cub in fall grass and trees

Giraffe walking in front of the rising sun, namibia, africa
Giraffe walking in front of the rising sun, namibia, africa

After all of that, I'd like to share a few things I learned -

1. Stay focused on the goals.

2. Pay attention to details - every singe one!

3. Clean your sensor - often!

4. Have two but preferably three back up plans.

5. Things will go wrong - again.

6. There's time for work, and there's time for play - don't confuse them and don't get too distracted by either one.

8. Most of all, it's a lot better to be happy than it is to be right . . .

9. Success is a team effort, you can't make it alone. . .

10. If you're not making mistakes, you're doing something else very wrong!

If you've gotten this far, thank you. What photographs or adventures do you remember from 2014 and do you have any advise of your own for 2015?

Here's to a happy new year 2015!

Tony Bynum

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Drones, Photography, get your footage before it's too late!

I have to share an article about drones and photography, but before I do, I'll make a comment or two. After using drones on and off for about a year now, I can say that they offer an amazing new way of capturing a scene or event that before was only the domain of the most elaborate and well funded productions. Today, we can film for about the cost of a mid range camera. But this new tool is creating a lot of controversy and there's a lot of questions being raised about their use. For the record, I'm all for using them in just about every legal application imaginable! The word legal though is where everything gets hung up. drone filming two men on beach

I've been watching carefully as the future of drones and photography becomes more evident.  It seems like just about the time something new and innovative comes a long the system finds a way to put binders on it. This is the case with drones and photography. I can honestly understand all the fuss, privacy issues, noise, liability, etc, but it seems like the future is to tell everyone, "NO" in order to protect everyone from what could be a hugely useful tool.

It seems to me that because no one can manage it, the system is trending toward, "no one should have it."  It's kind of like our freedoms.  It seems like we are moving farther from a free nation mainly because freedom is too dangerous.  I dislike very much the though of our freedoms being taken away due to the stupidity of a few.

On the other hand, we do have to protect the innocent, it's a fine line. As for drones more specifically, I say get out there and get filming before it's a crime. . .  Just so you know, it's already is a crime in some places, so be wise before you fly. I think Alaska has implemented some new rules, and I know the national parks are banning them as we speak.

I though you might like to read this NYT article about drones and photography.  I found it very interesting.

Before you go check it out, please let me know your thoughts on the use of Drones for photography and video capture and outdoor media!

Sincerely, Montana based outdoor photographer, Tony Bynum

If you want to make a difference in the outdoor media world, join the Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)!


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Why we are Photographers - dedication, passion, purpose

We are photographers because it is who we are. I have run across few things that explain the details as well as Dave Black, Robert BeckGeorge Karbus do in this video by Cory Rich. If you are a photographer, you might not be able to get through this without sharing Dave's reaction yourself. Don't blame me, I warned you.

DEDICATED from Corey Rich on Vimeo.


Tony Bynum

Montana Photographer

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Two Days with Montana Photographer Tony Bynum - once in a lifetime opportunity

You have until Friday evening to get your bids in for two days of private photography with Montana Photographer, Tony Bynum. Tony Bynum is donating two days of private, one-on-one photography to the Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Anyone can bid. Better hurry, winner awarded Friday night, at the Professional Outdoor Media Association's, National Conference in Knoxville, TN, March 21, 2014!  You can put your bid in here, or bid on any number of other items, at this link .  Other items include a fishing trip with Jim Zumbo, a privately catered meal from Bill Miller Outdoors, Optics, outdoor gear from Alps Outdoors, an African Safari, an Argentine Dove Hunt, and much much more!

glacier national park photography photographing landscapes tony bynum photography (Tony Bynum/