Mule deer bucks are among my favorite wildlife subjects to photograph. Mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, are found throughout the Rocky Mountain West. Mule deer are native only to western North America. Mule deer occupy diverse and varied habitat types, from mountains to prairie grasslands and forests, even river bottoms. They have fantastic eye site, can hear extraordinarily well, and have acute smelling capabilities. Mule deer were engineered to see long distances, hear the most subtle noises, and smell threats from long distances.
Mule deer are also among North America's most coveted big game trophy species. Hunters from around the world come to North America to hunt mule deer. Hunting regulations are relativity strict in some areas, while other areas allow for an almost unlimited harvest. Mule deer are my favorite animal to photograph. Mule deer photography is a challenge. As with other species, it's not difficult to find or photograph mule deer, but capturing unique behavior and creating lasting, beautiful photographs of mule deer is a challenge.
Mule deer grow a new set of antlers every year. In the late winter, their antlers are cast, and new ones begin to grow immediately. The fleshy new growth is called "velvet." Mule deer antlers grow larger each year until he passes his prime - seven to eight years - then his antlers begin to grow shorter but usually fatter. Mule deer bucks usually spend summers and early fall in bachelor herds but not always in peer groups. Once fall begins, the "velvet" sheds or is rubbed off, and the antlers become bone hard. Mule deer mating season varies across their habitat area, starting sometime in mid-November in their northern range and early to mid-December in their southern range in Mexico.
Below is a selection of mule deer buck photos. The images on this site are the property of Tony Bynum. Any removal, clipping, or downloading for any reason is a violation of federal copyright law. For more mule deer photos check out Tony Bynum’s selection of great mule deer photographs.
For more mule deer buck and mule deer in habitat photos please contact Tony Bynum.