Blog, Prairie, Press tony bynum Blog, Prairie, Press tony bynum

Montana Nature Photographer Tony Bynum and Science Teacher Stacy Dolderer Dive Deep into the Montana Prairie in Search of Wilderness Characteristics

When Erin Madison, (@GFT_EMadison) outdoor writer for the Great Falls Tribune (@GFTribue) called us to do an interview about the Montana prairie project we worked on recently, we were happy to say yes!  As many of you know, my partner Stacy Dolderer and I spent several months bouncing around the prairie lands of Montana last summer.  It may not sound like much to most of you, but taking on the challenge of  inventorying millions of acres of public lands to find areas that contain wilderness characteristics was to us, an awesome opportunity. Could there be a better project for a full time outdoor, nature, wildlife, and adventure photographer, and Stacy, a science teacher, to undertake? Why we did it, and what we found is contained in this great piece by, Erin Madison, titled (link to full article)  "Beautiful in it's own way: Photographer, teacher spend a month recording Eastern Montana wonders." Here are some additional Montana photographs captured by Tony Bynum along the way.


I hope you enjoy the read as much as we did telling the story!

Tony Bynum and Stacy Dolderer


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