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Time Lapse Photography Video - Two Medicine Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana

Adding time lapse "video" into my outdoor photography routine brings a new dimension of creativity, one I enjoy very much. In this short time lapse video, I captured about 2000 frames of the clouds, sun and lake during one early morning adventure at Two Medicine Lake, in Glacier National Park. The time lapse took just over an hour to film and about that much time, maybe more if you count the time it took the computer to processes and export all the images, to create at home (not including upload to youtube). This time lapse of the sun rising on Sinopah Mountain, in Glacier National Park was created with a GoPro HD HERO2:  on a Gitzo GT1542T Series 1 6X Carbon Fiber Traveler 4 Section G-Lock Tripod for Cameras. I set the camera  to capture a frame every two seconds. Why two seconds? It seemed to be the right balance between frame rate and the movement in the water and the clouds. I added the GoPro Battery Bacpac just in case. Much to my surprise the GoPro eats battery's like you cant believe (I think it will run for an hour on a single battery, but just in case I always add the GoPro Battery Bacpac).

In this time lapse video, if you watch closely at the highest resolution, you might be able to see a bear come out of the bush and walk along the far shore in the middle center right of the frame.  Also, pay attention to the light coming and going on the mountains.

I created the final output using  Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 and an editing program by the Photodex company called, Proshow Producer. Secrets of ProShow Experts: The Official Guide to Creating Your Best Slide Shows with ProShow 5.

Setting up the shot and getting the right kind of motion is the most challenging part of doing time lapse. The truth is you still have to get up, you still have to be there, you still have to have a compelling composition, so you still have to work hard!  The post processing is a bit more work, and the entire workflow can be shortened if you have a fast computer. If you dont, be prepared to wait awhile for the computer to process the images.  I generally shoot all my time lapse videos at the highest resolution I can that way I'll have more room and data to work with later.  You can shoot time lapse videos at a smaller resolution and that would help cut-down on the amount of time you're sitting at your desk, but you'll have fewer editing options.  

I'd like to thank my good friend, and fantastic artist for the music. If you're love Montana, and Glacier National Park, you'll love Jack's work. Head on over and pick up one of his CD's. Buffalo Cafe


Tony Bynum

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