Midnight Forest Bourbon

“Midnight Forest” bourbon started as an idea and was born in Montana in November of 2020. A collaboration between Spotted Bear Spirits and the Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, “Midnight Forest,” was crafted in honor of two great conservation heroes, Teddy Roosevelt and Jim Posewitz. (skip to a short portfolio of images from the Midnight Forest shoot.)

The Story of Midnight Forest:

In early 1907, special interests in the U.S. Congress forced a political showdown, revoking President Theodore Roosevelt’s authority to create new national forests. But the Bull Moose was not deterred. With only a few days before the new law took effect, Roosevelt worked day and night creating twenty-one new national forests and expanding eleven existing forests. TR’s action was bold, and he ultimately created and conserved sixteen million acres of new public lands. These are the Midnight Forests.Raise your glass in celebration of The Bull Moose and the gift of public lands and waters. Now it’s your turn, take your best shot, be bold and carry on the legacy of American conservation.—Jim Posewitz—​Biologist, Hunter, Author & Legendary Conservationist

Combining great conservation movements, Montana business’s and the great outdoors with an America first theme and the leadership of two of conservation heavy’s. . . #priceless

Jim Posewitz - “Poz”

Jim Poswitz, or “Poz” as we knew him, had a long career in conservation. He’s the author 5 books, including an auto biography. He’s best known for his style and character. Easy going, smart, tactful, always clever and dedicated to helping people better understand the history, and the importance of conservation. He was relentless.

“Poz’s” rules for conservation.

1. If you think you want to be a leader and you’re not at the head of the parade, don’t worry. You can lead from anywhere within an organization. All you have to do is know where you are going, and never take your eye off the goal. Choose your goal well and the parade will follow.

2. Never let your critics take your time or energy. Learn from criticism, but don’t let it distract you from your goal. You are never going to please any adversary or all your friends.

3. Never, never, never stray from your grassroots constituents. Be one with them and among them and they will never fail you. I have met with a handful of conservationists at Trixi’s Saloon in Ovando, Montana, an testified before committees of Congress. The former is clearly more important. Martin Luther King and Lech Wales never left the streets.

4. Never let your opponent’s appraisal of your chances influence you. If they say you can’t win, or they will kick your butt, show up anyhow. Surrender nothing; make your opponent take it from you. Just standing there makes a big difference.

5. When you talk to your people, preach hope and possibility. Eric Hoffer said revolution is built on hope, not despair. The conservation community is terrible for wailing on the peril of things - that inspire no one.

6. Make everything work for you, the good and the bad. The best example is how the conservation movement used James Watt to rebuild their movement.

7. Don’t let fear hold you back. This is especially applicable to bureaucrats who too often conclude for the selves what they can and cannot get away with. As Churchill said: Play for more than you can afford to lose and you’ll learn to play the game.

8. Trust your intuition and don’t take yourself too seriously. Cling to your sense of humor. Learn to laugh at troubles and you’ll never run out of things to laugh at. Humor allows you to bite the forbidden truth. Besides, it will drive your enemies nuts. (Borrowed from Ben Long - Twitter: @benlong1967).

The Meeting

When I was asked if I wanted to get together with Spotted Bear Spirits and the Back Country Hunters and Anglers to talk about the project I was honored and excited to learn more and help however possible.

A couple weeks later, we met outside, along a river, kept our distance as best we could, talked about the goals and purpose, shared a meal of wild game, flung a few arrows, casted a few flies, and shared the spirit of conservation by toasting our hero’s Jim Posewitz and Teddy Roosevelt.

I may have made a few images during those hours just to preserve the experience and memorialize the time.

If you’re in Montana or know someone here, or you’re planning to visit, “Midnight Forest is available at these locations:

Whitefish Liquor (Whitefish, MT)
O'Brien's Wine and Spirits (Columbia Falls, MT)
Montana Liquor and Wine (Kalispell, MT)
Murphy's Liquor (Kalispell, MT)
​Grizzly Liquor (Missoula, MT)
Lolo Liquor (Lolo, MT)
Polson Liquor (Polson, MT)
Bigfork Liquor Barn (Bigfork, MT)
Montana Wine & Spirits (Bozeman, MT)
The Cave (Big Sky, MT)

Visit the “Midnight Forest” web page at this link.

Visit Backcountry Hunters and Anglers here.

And listen to Host Hal Herring at the Back Country Podcast here.


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